Friday, September 26 to Sunday, September 28, 2025, Cremona Exhibition Centre

Presentation of the CD "Castelnuovo-Tedesco Complete String Quartets" by Quartetto Adorno (Naxos)

29SETT14:1514:45CategorieMusic Culture,StringsPresentation of the CD "Castelnuovo-Tedesco Complete String Quartets" by Quartetto Adorno (Naxos)Event Area – HALL 214:15 - 14:45

Dettagli dell'evento

The Adorno Quartet will present, also performing live excerpts, the new Naxos CD featuring all of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s String Quartets, the first two of which were recorded as world premieres. This is a valuable album because it offers listeners a dazzling interpretation of three jewels of Italian chamber music, composed by the Florentine maestro between the 1920s and the 1960s. The scores are available in a critical edition edited by Angelo Gilardino in the Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco Collection, the monographic series published by Edizioni Curci in collaboration with CIDIM-Comitato Nazionale Italiano Musica. The album, also available on digital platforms, was produced with the support of CIDIM and Accademia Musicale Chigiana.


Edoardo Zosi, violin – Liù Pellicciari, violin – Benedetta Bucci, viola – Francesco Stefanelli, cello

Jole Barbarini presents.


29/09/2024 14:15 - 14:45


Event Area – HALL 2

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