Friday, September 26 to Sunday, September 28, 2025, Cremona Exhibition Centre

Competition for amateur pianists, dedicated to all piano lovers and enthusiasts

PianoLink International Amateurs Competition 2022

L’Associazione Musicale PianoLink in collaborazione con Yamaha Music Europe – Branch Italy e Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, indice la quarta edizione del PianoLink International Amateurs Competition per pianisti amatori, dedicato a tutti gli amanti e appassionati del pianoforte.

First Absolute Prize PianoLink International Amateurs Competition:

First Prize: Annual Piano and Orchestra Workshop in Europe
Winners’ concert in Milan and St. Petersburg

The Competition will be held online starting August 3, 2024 (Elimination Phase) and then in Cremona on September 28, 2024, (Final Phase) and in Milan in 2025 (Winners’ Concerts).

Special awards:

  • Cremona Musica Prize – Audience Award
  • Friendship Award – The Special Friendship Award 2024 will be given to the pianist who received the most votes from all contestants in the competition. Each participant will be invited to express only one preference among all contestants in both categories.


The PianoLink International Amateurs Competition Jury is composed of renowned pianists and exponents of the international music scene

  • Jean-Marc Luisada (France), president
  • Cyprien Katdsaris (France/Cyprus)
  • Bruno Canino (Italy)
  • Svetlana Smolina (Russia/USA)
  • Andreas Kern (Germany)
  • Constantine Carambelas-Sgourdas (Greece)

All amateur pianists of all nationalities and backgrounds born before September 1, 1994, who are not professional pianists or have not been professional pianists for at least 10 years, are eligible for the Competition. Professional pianists are defined as those who engage in remunerated concert pianism and/or piano teaching. An amateur pianist is considered to be one who carries out his or her piano activity outside his or her professional field, having earned or not earned a music degree. Amateur pianists who carry out professional activities in the field of music teaching, as long as related to subjects and/or musical instruments other than piano, are eligible for the Competition.