Da venerdì 26 a domenica 28 settembre 2025, Fiera di Cremona

Tavola rotonda: Charles-Valentin Alkan: Roots, Influences and the Performance of his music in the 21st century  

29SETT15:3017:00CategorieCultura musicale,PianoforteTavola rotonda: Charles-Valentin Alkan: Roots, Influences and the Performance of his music in the 21st century  Media Lounge15:30 - 17:00

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Tavola rotonda: Charles-Valentin Alkan: Roots, Influences and the Performance of his music in the 21st century  

Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-1888) was one of the most outstanding piano virtuosos of his age and a genial composer. His personality was strong and imaginative. During his time he was considered a great artist and was compared with such masters as Frédéric Chopin and Franz Liszt. Chopin was indeed one of his closest friends. 

Alkan’s beloved piano professor and mentor at the Conservatoire de Paris was Pierre-Joseph-Guillaume Zimmerman (1785-1853). Zimmerman was the leading piano professor in Paris and a highly regarded composer. Ambroise Thomas, Charles Gounod, Georges Bizet and César Franck were among his famous pupils. He organised legendary concerts inhis salon at Square d’Orleans inviting illustrious musicians to participate. Alkan considered Zimmerman a father figure, cherished him and remembered him throughout his life.

During the round table discussion, we will examine Alkan’s roots, his life, the composers who influenced his thought and, of course, his relation to Zimmerman. In addition, his place in the 21st century international music scene will be also highlighted. 

The round table is moderated by Constantine P. Carambelas-Sgourdas, President of the C.V. Alkan-P.J.G. Zimmerman International Music Association, President of the Gina Bachauer International Music Association, President of the Greek Critics Association for Music, Drama and Dance.


Emanuele Delucchi, pianist and composer
Jed Distler, pianist, composer, music critic  
Yasushi Ueda, musicologist, Kyoto University


29/09/2024 15:30 - 17:00


Media Lounge

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Constantine Carambelas Sgourdas

pianist, musicologist, music critic

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Jed Distler

pianist, composer, music critic

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