
A dialogue with the contemporary “electric world” begins in Cremona, between different audiences and new expressive realities.
From this meeting, ELECTRIC SOUND VILLAGE was born.
The future advances while respecting the past, with a new balance between production and cultural aspects. Wisdom, training, research, innovation and different musical genres wish to tell you a story that looks far ahead.
Stefano Prinzivalli – ESV Direction

Liuteria Amps
In the homeland of lutherie, the electric world brings its own construction techniques, restoration, maintenance, woodwork, and sound technology.

Vintage Memorabilia
History of electric guitar and rock music. A major presence at this show, with historical instruments and FROM STAGE items by famous artists

Business Shops
The vast production reality of the electric world sees important numbers that broaden musical enjoyment to an equally large and curious audience, always looking for new things

Musical genres that dialogue thanks to “instruments” created in various eras, to be played and put at the service of a vision that seeks confrontation in order to evolve

ESV encourages the involvement of music schools, violin making schools, and schools of all levels

Stories about instruments and music, in the service of sound. 360-degree insights where storytelling and information create entertainment and culture

A continuously updated selection of photos and videos produced in the ESV 2024 edition. Photos, reels, short performances and meetings

Choose the best formula for being able to exhibit in the Electric Sound Village space

ELECTRIC SOUND VILLAGE produces multimedia content to promote exhibitors, before, during and after CREMONAMUSICA
The exhibition part embraces the musical part
From this edition 2025, ELECTRIC SOUND VILLAGE collaborates with MADE IN ROCK APS and FEDRO COOPERATIVA to create an event within the event.
The tools in the service of an artistic program, where true culture and a new balance between exhibitors, audience and musicians are produced. Soon all the information about the program, content, meetings, performances and more..
The numbers of
Cremona Music Edition 2024
20,110 operators, visitors, musicians from 74 countries - 450 exhibitors from 35 countries - 237 events in the various halls
We are Music
ELECTRIC SOUND VILLAGE aims to highlight a space dedicated to all the important professionals that make up the world of electric sound.
From those who build instruments, to those who play them, to those who sell them, to those who collect to preserve, to those who venture to the edges of electronics, to technicians, artists, enthusiasts, communicators, and describers, to the curious, and to all who love these two components: technology and expressiveness.
Whatever your “role” may be, the electric world thrives on this, and thanks to you, we will tell its story.