Friday, September 26 to Sunday, September 28, 2025, Cremona Exhibition Centre



On the occasion of the Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival scheduled for Sept. 26-28, 2025, the exhibition dedicated to band music is back.

The project stems from the collaboration between the Cremona Musical Bands Coordination; CremonaFiere, and the Cremona Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the aim of promoting and spreading band music as a formative and growth opportunity for musicians and wind instrument enthusiasts who wish to perform in an international context.

In collaboration with:


Each band will propose one or two pieces of their choice for a maximum duration of 20 minutes, followed by experts working for 20 minutes with the band and providing feedback to the conductor. At the end of the performance, a form summarizing technical advice will be sent via email in a confidential manner.

To discover the complete regulations and side events, please visit


Cremona Fair, September 26 - 28, 2024

A high-level listening committee will provide guidance and suggestions for the growth of your band!

A high-level musical context.

Cremona Musica è la Manifestazione fieristica numero uno al mondo per gli strumenti musicali d’alta gamma e unica in Europa. Grazie ai cinque saloni esclusivi che Cremona Musica offre (Cremona Mondomusica, Piano Experience, Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Winds e Accordion Show), appassionati, professionisti, amatori o semplici curiosi potranno vivere un’esperienza straordinaria.

Cremona Musica is the world’s number one exhibition for high-end musical instruments and unique in Europe. Thanks to the five exclusive exhibitions that Cremona Musica offers (Cremona Mondomusica, Piano Experience, Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Winds, and Accordion Show), enthusiasts, professionals, amateurs, or the simply curious can have an extraordinary experience.

Register now

Registration deadline:


Participation fee


(includes the entrance ticket to Cremona Musica)

Once completed, please forward it via email to the address: